I’ll take action against man who allegedly kicked Marriyum Aurangzeb: Rashid

News Desk

I will take action against the man who allegedly kicked Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb if a complaint against the incident is reported.

This has been stated by the Federal Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid while talking to a private news channel when he was asked to comment on Saturday’s incident when PTI and PML-N workers and also leaders, came to blows outside the parliament.

The Interior Minister has said that this should not have happened. He said that if anyone sends a complaint to him, he will take action on it.

“I don’t know what happened hence I don’t want to speak much on it. If someone was mistreated, it shouldn’t have happened,” he added.

When the host told the Minister that a female politician was kicked outside the parliament, he said that this is a big injustice and I condemn it. I condemn it.