Pakistan’s exports soars to $14 billion from July 1 to Dec 20, 2023


Caretaker Federal Minister of Commerce Dr. Gohar Ejaz said that from July 1, 2023, to December 20, 2023, Pakistan’s exports soared to 14 billion dollars.

According to the media reports, the Ministry of Commerce has announced significant achievements in Pakistan’s exports and trade sector in 2023 today (Wednesday, December 27).

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In a statement issued today, Caretaker Federal Minister of Commerce Dr. Gohar Ejaz said that the positive trade figures and upward trends showcase Pakistan’s resilience. He highlighted the remarkable trade performance in the year 2023 and said the government will continue to work towards facilitating Pakistani exporters and finding new destinations for exports.

The Commerce Minister further stated that in the first 20 days of this month, Pakistan experienced an outstanding year-on-year increase in exports, amounting to 479 million dollars, reflecting an impressive growth rate of 33.1 percent. He said imports during the same period saw a substantial decrease of 405 million dollars marking a -12.8 percent reduction.

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