FIR registered against Imran Khan’s lawyers in Attock


An FIR has been registered against the lawyers of the legal team of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Attock today (Wednesday, August 9).

According to the media reports, a case has been registered in Attock against the lawyers of the legal team of PTI Chairman Imran Khan, Sher Afzal Marwat, and Umair Khan Niazi, in Attock City police station.

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The FIR includes provisions for interference in government and tearing the uniform of a government official. The case also includes provisions for threatening dire consequences. The case has been registered in the complaint of Deputy Superintendent Jail Attock Afzal Ahmad Waraich.

The FIR stated that at 8:40 last night, information was received from the control room that Umair Khan Niazi had come to receive the order of the Islamabad High Court, during which Sher Afzal Marwat also reached the police picket. Afzal Ahmad said that both lawyers attacked him after he said that the time is over. It has been said in the FIR that both lawyers wanted to meet the PTI chairman, both lawyers also wanted to sign the lawyer names, the lawyers were also told that now the jail has been locked up, the meeting cannot be arranged. The lawyers tore Munshi’s official uniform and threatened dire consequences.

It is pertinent to mention here that yesterday chairman PTI’s lawyer Naeem Panjotha was arrested by the Federal Investigation Agency. Sher Afzal Khan Marwat – the lawyer of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Inaf – said in a statement on the social networking website Twitter that Panjotha’s clerk had confirmed the arrest but it was not clear whether it was a formal arrest or not as the first information report cannot be registered directly and without permission of Islamabad High Court. He said that Naeem Panjotha has reportedly been arrested by FIA. He said that Panjotha’s arrest would unite the legal fraternity and would not stop the PTI chairman’s legal team from discharging their professional obligations.

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