PTI supporters came out on streets on call of Imran Khan


The supporters of Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI) came out on the streets on the call of the party Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan to protest his removal from office.

According to details, the PTI Chairman had said during an address to the nation, a day before he voted out of power, that he will not tolerate the installation of a “foreign government” and that he will turn to the public for support if such a thing happens.

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The foemr Prime Minister Imran Khan had urged the nation to come out of their homes on Sunday after Isha prayers for a peaceful protest.

Taking to the call, the PTI had shared the points of the protests hours before their supporters took to the streets. PTI had shared more than 40 spots in Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where they were protesting.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf also directed its supporters to share visuals of their protests on social media.
