Gas crisis in Pakistan likely to worsen in January


The gas crisis in Pakistan is expected to become more serious due to the non-availability of LNG cargo from Azerbaijan.

According to the media reports, the senior energy ministry officials revealed that the gas crisis in Pakistan is likely to worsen in winter as LNG cargo from Azerbaijan may not arrive in January. They said that the country was estimated to have a gas shortage of 360 mmcfd in December before the non-delivery of LNG cargo, which will now increase to 470 mmcfd by January 2024.

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According to Ministry of Energy authorities, it is feared that home consumers will only have access to gas for 6 to 8 hours per day.

It should be mentioned that earlier this year, Caretaker Energy Minister Muhammad Ali stated that Pakistan’s gas supplies declined by 20% last year; they are attempting to ship additional LNG, but the costs are extremely high. He stated in a statement that because it is hard to deliver gas 24 hours a day, gas should not be utilized excessively during the winter.

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